Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 part 1

1. My mother bought three ..... two days ago.

a. Knives

b. Knifes

c. book

d. brief

Jawab : a. Knives

Alasan : karena soal yang disebutkan soal " three " ( lebih dari satu atau jamak ) jadi objeknya plural. dan pilihan yang tepat adalah Knives

2. Mathematics ..... not my favorite lesson

a. are

b. is

c. were

d. become

Jawab : b. is

Alasan : karena soal berbentuk singular

3. I have two .... . you can borrow one of them if you like.

a. dictionary

b. pen

c. dictionarys

d. dictionaries

Jawab : d. dictionaries

Alasan : karena bentuk prural yang tepat terdapat pada objek dictionaries

4. He is eating …. cake

a. a stand of

b. a bar of

c. a piece of

d. a block of

Jawab : c. a piece of

Alasan : karena kata yang tepat unutk kue adalah sepotong bukan sebatang. Jadi jawabannya a piee of cake.

5. How many child do Mr. and Mrs. Nathan have ?

a. How

b. child

c. and

d. have

Jawab : b. Child

Alasan : karena kalimat ini berbentuk prural ( have ) jadi kata child harusnya menjadi children

6. Do Ann and her husband still lives in this city ?

a. and

b. husband

c. lives

d. city

Jawab : c. Lives

Alasan : karena Do verbnya tidak ada tambahan “ s ” dibelakangnya jadi kata Lives mestinya hanya live

7. she always wash her clothes in her free time or in the afternoon.

a. wash

b. clothes

c. her free

d. in the

Jawab : a. was

Alasan : subjeknya she ( singular ) maka bentuk verbnya = verb 1 + s/es menjadi “ wahes “

8. The car that he bought several weeks ago were stolen last night.

a. the

b. bought

c. weeks

d. were

Jawab : d. were

Alasan : harusnya to be was ( singular ) karena the carnya singular


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